Granted, but everyone is playing Cities: Skylines
I wish I was rich
Y.Schmidt and
like this post
Granted but the way you got rich was prostituting your self out to elderly women
i wish owned my own luxury apartment complex to rip people off with
Granted, but it's haunted by the ghost of Hitler
I wish I could read minds
Granted; but once you start doing so you start shouting what you are reading so everyone knows it when you are reading their mind.
I wish Belgium was a respected country
Granted, But Belgium's government collapses resulting in the country no longer existing
I wish to be good at roasting
Granted but they end up going on loa for 5 months without a computer.
I wish I made a sex tape with age 20 Jennifer lopez
Granted but it was not with the singer, bit with some fat ugly latina weiging 150kg
I wish musquito's didn't exist
B.Hansen like this post
Granted.... but now spiders can fly
I wish there was a 5'6" 110lb blonde in my bed waiting for me every night
V.Markovski and
like this post
Granted but he does not actually have power just the rank
i wish the motor pool was more respected by others
Granted but all of them would be discharged.
I wish the recruiting drought was over.
V.Markovski likes this post