The but... game
...But she gets un-blacklisted from here and enlists.

I wish our lieutenant wasn't a weeb
, M.Benitez, E.Hermanson like this post

...But turns into a Bronie

I wish I could get out of my country.
M.Benitez likes this post
[Image: N.Saayman.png]

... But you land in Afganistan

I wish I had a robotic hand

...But Uno will always be better

I wish for the superpower to read minds
M.Benitez likes this post
[Image: N.Saayman.png]

Granted but... the only minds that you could read are patients of in a insane asylum

I wish I lived in the 1000's

Granted... but the only command it can fulfill is stinging you.

I wish I wasn't the only person who named objectives after historical figures.

Granted... but he changes it back to something that actually sastifies my original wish. 

I wish CW3 P.Farrimond would use the format everyone else does when replying in this thread.

Granted... But now your mother is a hamster and your father smells of elderberries.

I wish I could mark "Apache Helicopter" as my gender on official forms...
E.Rhodes, E.Hermanson, And 1 others like this post
[Image: M.Benitez.png]

Granted ... But you neither have a space suit nor you have a Spaceship.

I wish for Russia to become a democracy.

Granted... but the new government votes to bring back the the Romanovs and restore autocratic rule to Holy Russia.

I wish the squads had names.


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