Preliminary Roster

It's been a crazy few hours! Expect further guidance throughout the evening as we get all our ducks lined up, so to speak.

I know all of you are anxious to hear what squads you have been assigned to, especially with rumors that we intend to break up old squads to encourage intermingling. As of now, we have not broken up any squads (except where numbers were so small that they had to be folded into another element). The preliminary roster is as follows:

First Squad

Squad Leader
SSG Z.Owen

Combat Lifesaver
PFC T.Ellman

Alpha Fireteam
CPL N.Saayman
PV2 G.Amant
SPC Y.Schmidt
SPC G.Hernandez

Bravo Fireteam
SGT H.Giordano
SPC D.Diicmanis
PVT Y.Wendt
PV2 L.Bryce
PVT J.Graves

Second Squad

Squad Leader
SSG D.Hobaugh

Combat Lifesaver
PV2 Z.Todd

Alpha Fireteam
SGT S.Riley
SPC F.Wilson
SPC D.Fessey
PVT I.Roldan
PV2 P.Santos

Bravo Fireteam
CPL D.Stojic
SPC T.David
PV2 I.Hoover
SPC B.Hansen
PVT J.Freeman

Third Squad

Squad Leader
CPL M.Zamora

Combat Lifesaver
SPC J.Evangelista

Alpha Fireteam
CPL R.Warren
RCT N.Brown
SPC L.James
PFC L.Soskos
PV2 A.Hirzel

Bravo Fireteam
SPC R.Albritton
SPC B.Moedekjaer
PFC T.Rogan
PVT F.Monteleone

Note that this is a preliminary roster. None of these positions have been set in stone -- especially those of fireteam leaders -- so expect changes over the coming days. Nevertheless, this will be enough for you to locate squad leaders and begin setting up the interpersonal infrastructure crucial to a successful community.

Ethan Hermanson
First Lieutenant, 4th Infantry Division
Platoon Leader, First Platoon, Alpha Company
[Image: E.Hermanson.png]

Very happy to see you guys continuing to operate without prior constraints. Wish you the best!
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