Should people who donate $50+ in a month get their own custom uniform?
No. Only platoon staff+ should have custom uniforms.
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"Premium" Uniforms
1) Donate $50 once, you get the uniform for the rest of your time in the unit. It also gets updated when you get promoted or earn a new badge.

2) There are two reasons I didn't want to make it over time. The first is that we already award the MOVSM for $50 in one month, so it seemed logical to tack this on. The second is that, if we do it over time and everyone donates just a little per month -- which would be great from a financial standpoint, don't get me wrong -- we'll end up with 70+ uniforms to maintain within the year, and the whole point of the price cap was keeping the amount of uniforms to manage at a reasonably low number. We simply can't maintain a platoon's worth of uniforms; it isn't feasible.

3) Yes -- just as how we're awarding the MOVSM retroactively, this too would apply retroactively to people who donated $50+ in the past.
[Image: E.Hermanson.png]

Messages In This Thread
"Premium" Uniforms - by E.Hermanson - 08 Feb 19, 1308
RE: "Premium" Uniforms - by G.Amant - 08 Feb 19, 1636
RE: "Premium" Uniforms - by E.Hermanson - 08 Feb 19, 1903
RE: "Premium" Uniforms - by R.Warren - 08 Feb 19, 2007
RE: "Premium" Uniforms - by E.Michev - 09 Feb 19, 0332
RE: "Premium" Uniforms - by G.Amant - 09 Feb 19, 0844
RE: "Premium" Uniforms - by E.Hermanson - 09 Feb 19, 1045
RE: "Premium" Uniforms - by E.Rhodes - 09 Feb 19, 1619

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