Arma 4 Wishlist
Honestly, what Arma needs is an improvement in player movement. Granted, this game is seven years old, it's bound to have some quirks and wtf moments, but this is something that seriously needs to be reworked. We've all experienced the clunkiness of player movement. Take into account clearing buildings with three or more people. If one person is just sightly blocking a doorway, that causes everything to get backed up simply because my character can't brush around them or something which is really aggravating because you can end up getting killed by an enemy simply because you couldn't move, or just get go o' Arma'd. This deployment that you guys are on, I know that almost all of you are going to experience this clunkiness. I also know that you're gonna get fucked by it. I guarantee it. Let's just hope that this is one of the many things that they're improving on and make things more streamlined.
M.Rivera, J.Buxton, E.Michev like this post
[Image: D.Polen.png]

Messages In This Thread
Arma 4 Wishlist - by J.Buxton - 02 Aug 20, 1941
RE: Arma 4 Wishlist - by J.Raider - 02 Aug 20, 2114
RE: Arma 4 Wishlist - by E.Michev - 03 Aug 20, 0214
RE: Arma 4 Wishlist - by M.Rivera - 04 Aug 20, 1217
RE: Arma 4 Wishlist - by D.Polen - 04 Aug 20, 1631
RE: Arma 4 Wishlist - by M.Benitez - 04 Aug 20, 2102
RE: Arma 4 Wishlist - by E.Michev - 05 Aug 20, 0728
RE: Arma 4 Wishlist - by N.Udeanu - 14 Aug 20, 1707

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