My very own super freaking cool office that I get all by myself
So you're probably wondering for as to why I'm putting in such a request. Well, here's why. First off, the poor conditions of my squad channel is sickening, second off, I've been in this unit since it was started up back in the dino ages so I've had the pleasure of seeing this unit grow and prosper. But now, I'm seeing all my battle buddies get these super cool offices and I was like "hmm, I don't have one this isn't fair!". So, here we are. Mano a Mano, eye to eye, boot to boot, wrist band on wrist band, Cars on Cars... I think you get the idea. So, since I listed my very accurate reasons for why I should get an office, I demand to have it by the end of the day, thanks!
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You tried though! Tongue
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Moved to R&R for clear reasons.
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