17 November FTX Screenshot Thread
Here you can see pictures of SPC Udeanu, going on a solo suicide mission against unknown amounts of haji OPFOR.[Image: 5UdJkV8.jpg]‌Ude was about 400m away from us at that point trying his best, god bless his Italian soul[Image: XMYX3cS.jpg]
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[Image: V.Markovski.png]

I join for one mission and get the spiciest shit

[Image: 5A803A3D1ECEE04F446E8A3089822FD377906E97][Image: A4DFEFE7CEA2A992CE351C821832EAC86CE37BA7][Image: 1671F17426C0DFD45D3A50FC38F628943EDB2E00][Image: D8C2B074CAEF82A841F463AE0820F40A059A9F7F][Image: 031C79107FA37E73AFE25A267DDE6AE85B37F10A]
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Trying to fix the destroyed vic after being left behind. (Kyan is running off to get a wheel from a destroyed technical up the hill. Turns out it was a death trap.[Image: hSOifSD.jpg]

The tower of gods.

[Image: cPSCzN7.jpg]
[Image: 4FGNOeN.jpg]
[Image: C.Bolitho.png]


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