Rust vs Ark
So for the past week or so I have joined a few of you guys in playing Rust. I have really enjoyed my time playing. Afterall I have around 700 hours of playtime in those types of games. The game I've played the most is Ark. I have around 580 hours of playtime and while playing Rust I have noticed some key differences between the two. Three of the biggest differences I noticed was the very aggressive raiding mentally, blueprints are found or "copied" not learned and finally very little larger group support. The first difference I think is more of a positive than a negative. While everyone wants to kill you, you also want to kill everyone else. This adds a lot more stuff to do in terms of PvP. The second one being mixed and possibly a negative for such a large group. While having only one person with the knowledge of how to make everything is efficient it also means that if their AFK or not on very few things can be made or even repaired. In Ark, you level up and get "skill points" to make new stuff. The system does not however also for everyone to learn everything as you don't get enough "skill points." Finally, the lack of large group support is very annoying. Rust only allows for 8 people to be in a team at the same time. This forces you to kick people from the team to invite someone new. Ark on the other hand has tribes in which to my knowledge have no limit to how many people can be in. You can even forge alliances with neighbors using the system.

Lastly, I would like to make a pros and cons list between the games. This is obviously in my opinion but I'm open to hearing your guys' feedback on the matter.

  • Better large group support
    • Unlimited members
    • Alliances
  • Diasours
  • Longer-term goals (no weekly wipe)
  • Better base building mechanics
    • Which will hopefully not lead to another labyrinth
  • Slightly less toxic community
  • Better jump in and out experience (play for an hour and get off)

  • PvP is not as fluid
  • More grindy (Maybe twice as much)
  • Raids take a lot longer to plan and get resources for
  • A good amount of waiting for animals to tame (rewarding in the end but maybe not enough to overcome the wait)
  • Often times their "Alpha tribes" that are very toxic
M.Benitez likes this post

The toxicity is half the fun of Rust tho.
J.Keyes, M.Benitez, B.Hansen like this post

I can't really complain about the toxicity or aggression when every time I join the server, I start declaring to every rival clan that I'm going to blood eagle them and drink their moonshine in front of them while they bleed out.

10/10 would play both.
E.Michev, V.Markovski, D.Baller And 3 others like this post
[Image: M.Benitez.png]

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