4th Infantry Division
Apple Sauce Apple Sauce - Printable Version

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Apple Sauce Apple Sauce - H.Giordano - 19 Jun 18

I've been ordered to reignite the Apple sauce Discussion, So How many Cups of Applesauce could you eat in one day? (or sitting i dont remember)

Here is a meme to encourage you all. Me & The Boys

RE: Apple Sauce Apple Sauce - Y.Schmidt - 20 Jun 18

Since I've been training this for my entire life, I managed it to consume 10 units of apple sauce.

RE: Apple Sauce Apple Sauce - N.Saayman - 20 Jun 18

Those are rookie numbers, got to get those numbers way up!

RE: Apple Sauce Apple Sauce - B.Hansen - 21 Jun 18

30 on a empty stomach